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Conference: Recent Discoveries of the Swabian Aurignacian

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  • le 2024-12-13 de 18:30:00 à 20:00:00
  • 1 rue du musée
    Musée national de Préhistoire
    , Les Eyzies
Information mise à jour le
  • 2024-11-07
  • Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil

This conference will be in English only - conférence en anglais seulement
With Sibylle Wolf and Benjamin Schürch
The Swabian Aurignacian ( ca. 42 000 – 35 000 years before present ) is especially known for the figurative artworks and personal ornaments made from mammoth ivory as well as the early musical instruments made from mammoth ivory and bird bones. These finds belong to the UNESCO World Heritage sites “ Caves and Ice Age Art of the Swabian Jura ”. We know these artefacts since the excavations conducted by Gustav Riek 1931 in the Vogelherd Cave in the Lone Valley. Until today prehistorians carry out excavations in the Ach-and Lone Valley sites. Here, we present the latest highlights of the Hohle Fels excavations as well as new research on the prehistoric assemblage of Vogelherd.

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SIRTAQUI Nouvelle-Aquitaine
OT Lascaux-Dordogne, Vallée Vézère
Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil

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